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Pls refrain from extracting anyhthing here. !
want the codes please ask me :D
Thank You .___.

Friday, July 24, 2009 ♥

Finally sorted out the best cinemas in Singapore. :D Final Google MAP


There's also information on the location itself.


Friday, July 24, 2009 ♥

;D The current Facebook group. FINAL Piece.
;D Facebook group so far...

Here's the link: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=223253815606

Do continue to join and vote AND support!
Many thanks for those that have shown their support, it is greatly appreaciated!


Friday, July 24, 2009 ♥


Assignment 6 - :D LOGO -FINAL

Since I was really bad with Adobe Illustrator, I decided to do something simple but not very fanciful either.


Thursday, July 23, 2009 ♥

Pictures that I have used to combine into one.

Assignment 5 -Image Editting FINAL piece

;D After much practice with Adobe Photoshop, I got the hang of it quick and this is the final piece of the image editting. Since much people has voted Transformers, I decided to show twilight and transformers and to pin point out that Transformers is much liked.

So... here's it.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009 ♥

;D AUDIO Assignment & FINAL Video

I combined with two songs of transformers and twilight and have editted the sound. Hope it's alright?

Sheena's Video -final


Saturday, July 18, 2009 ♥

:D Field trip to 8Q Singapore Art Museum.

Purpose of the field trip is to expose you to other ways that digital media can be applied. Not just in web. But in installations as well. Installations are especially interesting and offer lots of exploratory opportunities for IMD students.

I wouldnt say that it was a wasted trip although I felt that I didnt connect with most of the things put up there. The only piece that I knew much of so is entitled ' Angst essen / eat fear '.
It is quite useful to what we're learning currently. There was photoshop and editting done in the short clip and it has shown clearly what the clip was conveying to it's viewers.
Im quite relieved that Singapore is a multi racial country and we do not look down on one another like what this clip has shown.

The main pieces was entitled ' last drop'. I assumed that it is because water is hard to get it back once it is gone and also, it is precious and therefore, it shows how important things are and once it's gone, it'll never be retrieved back. '

But of course, this is only my point of view, there is no right or wrong so I wouldnt mind hearing what the rest think about it. :D


Wednesday, July 15, 2009 ♥

Day 10 - Sound Editing and Effects
:D Adobe Soundbooth is one programme that I have not heard before from any fellow classmates not until today! It's fun, you get to edit and change the sound to any way I like. This is one of the daily lesson assignment. Decided to up load it after editting. Not much difference though.
http://www.zshare.net/audio/626807413bb2a6f0/]Piano_06.mp3 - 0.08MB


th' laddyyyye ¸.° ♥ °.¸
♥ iloveyou :D

Currently Studying
& i'm abnormal :D

cravings ¸.° ♥ °.¸
{♥} :D MOREEE Holidaess!
{♥} ******
{♥}Take off my braces asap ._.
{♥}(= FOOD and sweets.

media player ¸.° ♥ °.¸


Crappyy ¸.° ♥ °.¸
Tag It :D

Kick Good-bye {♥}
byyyyyyyyyyyyyes ; (:


July 2009

Thanks & Digi Links¸.° ♥ °.¸
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